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J.F. Quesada Moreno
F.J. Martin-Mateos,
"Future and Emerging Trends in Language Technology. Machine Learning and Big Data", 2017
J.F. Quesada Moreno
, F.J. Martin-Mateos
T. Lopez-Soto,
"Future and Emerging Trends in Language Technology. Machine Learning and Big Data", 2017
J.F. Quesada Moreno
, F.J. Martin-Mateos
T. Lopez-Soto,
"Future and Emergent Trends in Language Technology", 2016
Z. Callejas Carrión
D. Griol Barres,
"The conversational interface: talking to smart devices", 2016
M. McTear
, Z. Callejas Carrión
D. Griol Barres,
"The conversational interface: talking to smart devices", 2016
J.A. Alonso-Jimenez
, G.A. Aranda-Corral
, A.M. Chavez-Gonzalez
, A. Cordon-Franco
, M.J. Hidalgo-Doblado
, F.J. Martin-Mateos
, M.Á. Martínez-Del-Amor
, I. Pérez-Hurtado De Mendoza
, J.F. Quesada Moreno
, A. Riscos-Nuñez
L. Valencia-Cabrera,
"Exámenes de Programación funcional con Haskell (2009-2015)", 2015
Z. Callejas Carrión
"Voice Application Development for Android", 2013
D. Griol Barres
, Z. Callejas Carrión
R. López-Cózar Delgado,
"Technologies for Inclusive Education: Beyond Traditional Integration Approaches", 2012
SICA last updated: 10/01/2024