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R. López-Cózar Delgado "Automatic creation of scenarios for evaluationg spoken dialogue systems via user-simulation", "Knowledge-Based Systems"
, 51-73, 2016
R. López-Cózar Delgado "Using knowledge on word-islands to improve the performance of spoken dialogue systems", "Knowledge-Based Systems"
, vol.88, 223-243, 2015
D. Griol Barres "Modeling the user state for context-aware spoken interaction in ambient assisted living"
, -, 2014
D. Griol Barres, R. López-Cózar Delgado
G. Riccardi,
"A domain-independent statistical methodology for dialog management in spoken dialog systems", "Computer Speech and Language"
, vol.28, 743-768, 2014
D. Griol Barres "Hacia una educación inclusiva y personalizada mediante el uso de los sistemas de diálogo multimodal", "IE Comunicaciones"
, vol.18, 11-27, 2014
R. López-Cózar-Delgado, N. Ábalos-Serrano, A. Lopez-Fernandez, M.I. Capel Tuñon
J.F. Quesada Moreno,
"Sistema de diálogo hablado basado en VoiceXML para la enseñanza universitaria", "IE Comunicaciones"
, 3-10, 2013
D. Griol Barres " An Automatic Dialog Simulation Technique to Develop and Evaluate Interactive Conversational Agents", "Applied artificial intelligence"
, vol.27, 759-770, 2013
D. Griol Barres "Bringing context-aware access to the web through spoken interaction", "Applied Intelligence: the international journal of artificial intelligence, neural networks, and complex problem-solving technologies"
, vol.38, 620-640, 2013
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024